The All Ireland Scholarships were established by the JP McManus Trust in 2008 to provide scholarships to students.  


The value of each All Ireland Scholarship is set at €6,750 per annum in Ireland and £5,500 per annum in Northern Ireland, and the scholarships apply for the duration of the undergraduate programmes chosen by the scholarship winners.

Participation in the scholarship scheme is confined to those who attend non-fee paying schools and are in receipt of a third level of education maintenance grant from SUSI, or are in receipt of the Educational Maintenance Allowance in Northern Ireland. The scholarships are awarded on the basis of the results of a candidate’s first attempt at the Leaving Certificate Examination in Ireland, or a candidate’s first attempt at the A Level Examinations at a grant aided Post Primary School, or the Level 3 Extended Diploma Examinations in the Further Education Colleges in Northern Ireland.

In excess of €42.7m has been disbursed to scholarship recipients to date, 1,799 scholarships have been awarded and over 1,400 All Ireland Scholarships winners have already graduated from university.

The All Ireland Scholarships operate under the control of four Trustees Gerry Boland, Pat Dowling, Prof. Sarah Moore Fitzgerald and Diana McCabe. The Trustees are supported in the administration of the programme by the Department of Further & Higher Education, Research, Innovation & Science in Ireland, and by the Department for the Economy in Northern Ireland.